“Be not inhospitable to strangers, lest they be angels in disguise" 『別冷淡地對待陌生人,免得他們是天使的化身』--來自位於巴黎的莎士比亞書店(Shakespeare and Company)第二位主人George Whitman書寫於店內牆上的座右銘。

I may disappear leaving behind me no worldly possessions - just a few old socks and love letters, and my windows overlooking Notre Dame for all of you to enjoy, and my little rag and bone shop of the heart whose motto is ‘Be not inhospitable to strangers lest they be angels in disguise.’ I may disappear leaving no forwarding address, but for all you know I may still be walking among you on my vagabond journey around the world. -----George Whitman (該書店第二位主人,第一位是Sylvia Beach,Whitman於Beach過世後,買下書店藏書)


以下是介紹該書店的影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1k1VV1j_k08

片中受訪的是Sylvia Beach Whitman,George Whitman的女兒,Sylvia Beach 2字是取名紀念第一代的莎士比亞書店主人。


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